Neighborhood or other helpful location info: USTA Northern Illinois District 25 counties in upper third of Illinois excluding Cook, Lake, & DuPage counties
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: corrales, rio rancho would be ideal but i am willing to travel in order to play tennis.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I play at the Poinsettia Courts but can play most anywhere in Carlsbad San Marcos or Escondido...
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: San Francisco, CA, play around Bay Area and in LA Areas including the South Bay cities as well
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live in Malibu near Malibu Canyon, so can come over the hill to Agoura Hills area pretty easily.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Usually teach Mr. Wall a thing or two in San Marcos or Austin, when not on "ATP tour," lol.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Would love to find someone to play with once weekly near my home on Columbia Street Courts or in Red Hook
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I can play just about any time or day. Preferably Kit Carson Park in Escondido but willing to drive as we..
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Austin, Tx - From Mid March to Late June I will be in Alexandria, Virginia (Old Towne Area) looking for an occasional match.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: City of Aalborg, Denmark. But I travel a lot and frequently to America, so you may hear from me in your local community group.
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