Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Fairlakes Area and work in Chantilly
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: San Matera In Palm Beach Gardens
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: In Orlando, FL - for 10 days...
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live in downtown St. Petersburg
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Rancho Bernardo in San Diego, California
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: live in the Avon Brockton mass. area, work in Brockton Monday through Friday.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live in Sunrise East in Palm Springs December 1 through March 30
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: I live in Manhattan Beach, so playing somewhere in the Southbay would be great.
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Live in downtown area but anywhere in the metro area is fine for tennis
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Work in Cherry Creek, live near DT
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