Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Rockland County, NY and Honolulu, HI
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Yonkers, NY; Tarpon Springs, Bokeelia, Fl
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: 150 Bridle Drive, Middletown, NY 10940
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Southern NJ, Philly areas, & Northeast PA (Scranton, Wilkes Barre, Poconos).
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Brooklyn, NY infrequently and Berkeley Ca regularly
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: miami-fort laudedale florida and brooklyn ny
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Foster City, CA or Long Island, NY
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Miami Beach, FL and New York, NY
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: New York, NY also the BAY AREA!
Neighborhood or other helpful location info: Boynton Beach,Fl and New York ,Ny
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