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GraphiteMachete's Comments

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At 4:48am on September 19, 2012, Jeffrey Nosek said…

Hey, thanks for reaching out.  I am in pretty bad shape this week during the evening due to work/school meetings, but might be ok Thursday pm or Saturday morning.  Let me know. 

At 9:53am on July 30, 2010, dale said…
are you up to do another cpl of sets ..... week of aug 2 ... Tuesday free ? 8/3 have my number
At 2:06pm on June 16, 2010, dale said…
enjoyed the hitting tuesday hope to do it again soon.
At 9:52am on April 18, 2010, dale said…
left you a cpl of voice mails....let me knw since this is so slow when you can hit and pretty much anytime except m/th.
At 2:59pm on April 9, 2010, dale said…
am playing tomorrow at about 1.30 in villa hills to send a # i will ask if they can /want to make it a doubles.....event.. or have some singles and use all the courts it's outside.. fyi
At 4:10pm on January 20, 2009, Elaine said…
ha, we'll see, GM.
I started off well, now I'm down to 33... and I'm feeling it may have all been beginning luck! I hope to come back on top, though!

Good luck to you. Thanks for the comment.
At 2:08pm on September 12, 2008, Josh said…
Would you like to play some tennis tonight if it doesnt rain?
At 6:33pm on September 11, 2008, Elaine said…
Well Done, Graphite Machete.
You live in Cincy! Wow, I'm very close.
At 5:56pm on September 11, 2008, mikeindo said…
well done! nice!
At 12:10am on September 11, 2008, ThePoet said…
Hey Graphitemachete,

Congrats on winning the pick em's contest and ofcourse best of all, the avery tennis racquet! You lucky guy you :)
At 3:22pm on August 13, 2008, chris said…
You still playing? I work in Mason and love to play.....I am about 3.5.....working on some consistency to get to 4.0....we will see. Anyway i like to play after 430pm....since i work till.. 4pm...weekends are pretty much wide open.
At 1:26pm on July 5, 2008, Aliya said…
8am on Sunday is good at the Reading and Taft courts. See you then.
At 3:58pm on July 4, 2008, Aliya said…
Sunday would be excellent - doesn't really matter when, maybe before it gets hot. I know the courts on Reading and Taft. What street are the UC courts on?
At 8:25pm on July 2, 2008, Aliya said…
Hi. I saw on your hitting sheet that you'd play by UC...that's perfect. It would be great if you'd like to hit around sometime...I'm around evenings and weekends. My email is

At 1:45pm on July 2, 2008, Brian said…
I am playing saturday with someone already, I could do sunday sometime earlier in the day I am playing golf around 4 so we would have do it sometime before then.
At 1:37pm on July 2, 2008, Brian said…
any interest in playing i am in mason, would love to play tonight after 5 i am in the mason area but am willing to meet somewhere else, i work downtown. email me or call me or 513 505-9467 both go to my cell

At 9:32am on June 30, 2008, Angie said…
i live right behind mercy healthplex. might be able to play around 3:30 or 4. i do have to work tonite. here is my cell 859-912-2389
At 8:07am on June 30, 2008, Angie said…
i live in anderson and can play in oakley, here (i have courts in my complex) or anywhere else. let me know if you are interested. love to play singles or doubles or just hit around. angie
At 2:08pm on June 29, 2008, Kevin said…
hey, i'm afraid i moved to philly about 3 weeks ago. i am trying to work my way back toward the midwest or south, but don't know when or if that is going to happen.
At 2:51pm on June 27, 2008, Jeff Smith said…
I would be available to play most evenings and Monday thru Saturday.

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