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Rachel's Comments

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At 7:25am on October 14, 2013, Sameer said…


wanna play tennis?

At 8:02am on June 28, 2013, Keng said…

Hello , My name is Keng. I just moved to Houston and I'm looking for a
tennis partner to hit with. I can play at Memorial park tennis center
Mon-Fri from 6pm-8pm. My tennis rate is around 3.5. This is how I hit. Please let me know if
you interested to hit with me. Thank you so much. Keng :

At 6:48pm on August 20, 2011, chris brown said…
Hi I'm new here on this thing so let's see how it works......I guess I just ask if you want to play tennis and you're supposed to say yes right? trying to go for tomorrow but can play any other day if the time is right......usually do memorial park or local highschools.
At 10:18am on July 9, 2009, Jonathan Train said…
I live in the memorial area. I used to be an tennis player but I been away for like 8yrs. while living in CA. My ex couldn't play tennis worth of beans. Now Im in Houston I want to get back to tennis.
At 3:57pm on June 6, 2009, Tony Le said…
i usually play at memorial and rice for team tennis, im free to play on weekends or weekdays after 5
At 9:00pm on May 30, 2009, Indra Sen said…
Hi Rachel
I am looking for a hitting partner near Briar forest@Dairy Ashford (West Houston), i dont have a car as a i moved to Houston a couple of days ago. But i have a tennis court right next to where i stay. I am 4 to 4.5. Let me know if you are interested in email id
At 6:00pm on December 13, 2008, ewewill33 said…
does anyone know ppl who play tennis on the west side of houston. Memorial and rice are kind of far. Do you guys play on the weekends, let me know.
At 3:13pm on December 3, 2008, groncho said…
m-f after 6pm ..
At 11:39am on December 3, 2008, groncho said…
I want to play
At 5:03pm on November 28, 2008, bryan said…
Hey would you like to play this weekend. If so you got my number right below
At 12:32pm on November 21, 2008, bryan said…
Ok sounds great...let me know if you want to play today or the weekend sometime. Just give me a text or call at 7133013542. Later
At 5:38pm on November 20, 2008, allan said…
dya guys play yesterday?
At 4:22pm on November 18, 2008, allan said…
How about doubles tomorrow? can we exchange numbers for us to meet up?
At 9:41pm on November 17, 2008, Les said…
Hey Rachel. If you want to get together and hit sometime let me know.
At 10:34pm on November 14, 2008, allan said…
so next week? what time are you available by the way?
At 11:50am on November 14, 2008, allan said…
hey rach seems like people are inviting you to play too next week. how about lets play doubles?? would be more lot fun if more the merrier.
At 10:16am on November 14, 2008, joe bautista said…
I can hit w/ you on weekdays after work.
At 4:06pm on November 13, 2008, knavak said…
Rachel - Any interest in a match some evening next week at Memorial Park? Ken
At 3:48pm on November 13, 2008, allan said…
Great. So are you free on Frudays or Saturdays? What time are you usually free by the way? I assume you really know good tennis courts in Houston, I still don't know any since I'm just 5 months in here. I wanna explore there in Memorial area, I have not gone there:)
At 3:17pm on November 13, 2008, allan said…
Hey Rach, do you mind playing with someone with a 2-3 level?

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