Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Patrick's Comments

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At 8:13pm on May 31, 2008, Rafael said…
Great, sounds fun, I'll call you Monday- later
At 1:21pm on May 29, 2008, Michael said…
i just found out i have some work commitments in SF next thursday. i know you're out for tuesday 6/3 so we may have to pick things back up on tuesday 6/10 for our mid-week hit.
At 11:50am on May 29, 2008, Michele said…
Hi Patrick,

Are there two events coming up? 5/31 and 6/4 (Wed)? Thanks, Michele
At 8:50pm on May 28, 2008, Michele said…
opps....anyway... Canada this Sat 5/31 noon, right?
At 12:58pm on May 28, 2008, Michael said…
next thursday works for me. 11am at wash park courts?
At 11:28am on May 27, 2008, Rafael said…
Hey Patrick, what about Tuesday June 3rd for Shoreline, I can't make Thursday- meeting with my boss :(
At 8:16am on May 22, 2008, Tim Oliver said…
Hi, 11-12 would be good. See you there at 11. Tim
At 2:22am on May 20, 2008, Michael said…
how about wash park at 11:30a? let me know...
At 11:45pm on May 19, 2008, Michael said…
i'm gonna call you tomorrow morning. we need to hit... soon.
At 1:42pm on May 19, 2008, Diana said…
Hi Patrick. Thanks for letting me know. I don't always work at Saturday morning, though I try to do outdoor sports early in the morning so that I can finish before 10 am, or start after 4pm because of the Sun. I would appreciate you to pass my info around so that I can find more people to play tennis with.
At 12:41pm on May 15, 2008, Rafael said…
Awesome- sounds great. Maybe this Thursday coming up. You're right, the mornings are the best- I usually like to start around 10~11am... I'll check with you this Saturday, later
At 7:06pm on May 13, 2008, Michael said…
that sounds good. i would love for us to get a standing mid-week lunch sweatfest going. tuesday/wednesday would be great. we can talk about it more later. see you saturday...
At 5:59pm on May 13, 2008, Diana said…
Hi Patrick. Sorry that I missed the picnic. I wonder when do you usually practice? I am a beginner, but love to improve my skill. any plan to play soon? Diana
At 12:20pm on May 13, 2008, Rafael said…
Hey dude,
my cell is 650-305-0162 and my email is r4a4x4@hotmail... let's plan a golf t time! later
At 5:21pm on May 5, 2008, Kat said…
Thanks for the info, I cant wait for finals to be over so I can finally play tennis with you guys!
At 5:09pm on May 5, 2008, Michael said…
patrick... let me know if you're interested in hitting sometime this week. i left a msg for chris too. maybe tuesday afternoon/evening or wednesday during lunch. M
At 9:22pm on April 26, 2008, Michele said…
Hi Patrick,

Thanks for the fun today. It was good to meet you and Stacy and your little little guy. I understand you are the rock behind this group - great job! I'm afraid I'm not really up to speed on how to navigate and work this site very well, over my head but I am trying to learn. Thank you again! See you next week hopefully.
At 8:47pm on April 26, 2008, Aaron C said…
Nice meeting ya today Patrick... we'll see ya next week kinda disappeared... Your baby get fussy? That's what they do, you know... you didn't see that in the fine print of the contract...?
At 1:14pm on April 24, 2008, Steph said…
Hi Patrick,

I'm new to this group and I was wondering if you could give me
an idea how it works? Do I just show up?
At 6:21pm on April 23, 2008, Jim said…
I just changed a setting in the group, so that everbody can group spam.
It seems that only admins have that option if I don't set the option.

I'll get it figured out yet!

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