Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

What tennis players can learn from Tiger's collapse

California v Stanford
...Every so often the American public becomes fascinated with the destruction of a life. We pull up seats and take in the spectacle. For a while there it was Jon and Kate Gosselin who clearly got more than they had bargained for when they pimped out their children for fame and money. The latest spectacle is Tiger Woods and his apparent mistresses. Each day a new mistress emerges. This story will not die any time soon.

...In the meantime, his personal unraveling has become a good lesson for sports men everywhere. I hope that some of our tennis stars have sat up and taken notice. This could so easily, so frighteningly, be their story.

Go here for the rest of this entry and here for my blog. And thanks as ever for reading.

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Comment by Mark / The Mayor on January 12, 2010 at 4:22pm
Yeah, I guess I wish him well... but this is far beyond a "few blemishes". He just simply doesn't have a clean image anymore. His image is now one of a playboy and cheater. He can probably, with good behavior for a few years, get it reduced to just a playboy. (Besides it sounds like he won't ahve to worry about any of those annoying vows anymore.)
Comment by tennischick on December 4, 2009 at 7:15pm
you're right! it was Chris Rock who said that first. my friend repeated it but neither of us could remember where we heard it. lol.

i'm stunned by the lack of PR savvy shown by Tiger Woods. i'm double stunned by his stupidity.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on December 4, 2009 at 9:26am
Yeah, my wife and I were talking about this in relation to tennis stars too. An sports radio guy was making the point that almost ALL of the athletes at the top of their sport have cheated on their wives. He went down a long list including Jordan, Magic, Lance Armstrong - the list went on and on.... Adn now that some of tennis' top players are getting married (Federer, Roddick, who else?), it could easily happen to them.

Chris Rock had a funny bit where he said that "A man is only as faithful as his options." (BTW, Rock also had his issues with infedelity.)

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