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US Open
...Venus Williams seems to have a proclivity for exhibitionism on the tennis court. It’s a character feature that seems inconsistent with the otherwise conservative, buttoned-down, lips-sealed, Jehovah-praising demeanor for which she is characteristically known. Venus’ private life does not show up in the gossip magazines. She normally comes as across as so close-lipped that her interviews can make for mind-numbingly uninformative reading. But put her on a tennis court in a Slam and her inner exhibitionist will out. What are we to make of this? How to explain such a paradox?

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Comment by Mr. Jessie L. on June 1, 2010 at 8:58pm
I'm in love!lol
Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on June 1, 2010 at 4:02pm
Great that Eleven Gear went under. now they can come out naked. HAHA
Comment by Jazz Burks on May 29, 2010 at 2:50pm
@Mr Mayor I thought Steve and Barry's carried Eleven gear but I think they went under in Chapter 11.
Comment by Jazz Burks on May 29, 2010 at 2:49pm
As a Venus fan I must say that I dig the lace outfit with the skin tone panties. I think that as Venus has matured she has embraced her sexuality. I believe that her Reebok stuff really downplayed any notion of that. As far as creating a bigger stir than Serena I would hope that this is for fashion sake. As you see alot of that stuff on the runway never gets down to the retail level. So the bigger the splash on the runway (tennis court) the bigger the name for the designer. This allows for the more practical stuff (think the US open green and white Eleven set) to sell in the store.

Btw, have you seen the new Golfsmith tennis catalog? The model does not quite fill out the RG dress like Sister Serena.
Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on May 28, 2010 at 5:19pm
wait what are we talking about oh yeah.. it doesn't matter nice PIC
Comment by CoachV - William Vazquez on May 28, 2010 at 5:18pm
Nice PIC.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on May 28, 2010 at 7:49am
Well, I wouldn't be so sure that Venus is not selling tennis clothes with this move. I agree that the lingerie get up will not be flying off the shelves, but it is common practice for a cloting line to grab attention on the court (or runway) only to back it up with more mundane pieces in the stores. Any publicity is good publicity, remember that one? But where can one actually buy Eleven gear? I don't think my pro shop carries it. ;-)

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