Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

The 3rdToad Tennis Fun Plan versus the Affordable Care Act - A Comparison

Here are just a few things you should know before you choose between the 3rdToad Tennis plan and the unAffordable Care Act program.

  • did not cost over $500,000,000.00 to create, $287,000,000.00 or whatever price (could have been done for less than $7M, easily) has been reported by whomever.
  • As a citizen of the United States, none of your paid tax dollars went toward production of (We don't have enough friends in Chicago.)
  • You will not lose your current Tennis Internet (communications) Solutions Provider, nor be forced to choose As if, you already had a choice. That's silly.
  • Playing tennis and enjoying your tennis community is probably much healthier and less stressful than managing your primary healthcare under the unAffordable Care Act. (Did you notice they left "health" out of the "care" part of this? Perhaps they meant hospice care?
  • Tennis adheres to all law as applicable under the U.S. Constitution and local laws as they apply - Not so sure about the uACA.
  • The web site was built with much thought in regard to what we know about our audience, along with tools to enable us to learn more about them. We never assume we know it all. Oops. Who does? The White House.
  • Although errors will occur, we won't take two months to correct (Wow! How quickly and efficiently we could take care of issues with millions of tax-payer dollars.) them and we promise not to have you depend on Congressional Hearings and the Major Media (not paying attention to true concerns) to urge us to do so.
  • Under the Plan, you will be able to choose the teaching tennis pro of your choice, captain the team of your choice, play for the team of your choice and pursue the game as long as the other parties involved agree.
  • If you find (we find to be true by a licensed physician) playing tennis or wanting to play tennis, to be a pre-existing conditioning, such will be considered if you endure any injury or fall ill related to or from any tennis related activity, not limited to paid tennis instruction, match play (league or otherwise) or social events held prior, during or after any tennis league, tournament or casual event or simply bouncing a tennis ball on your drive-way. In such cases, pre-existing is covered.

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