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Tennisflit: the new tennis training device for everyone!!

Tennisflit: the new tennis training device for everyone
Our site Match Point España, that always is ready to inform about innovations of tennis world, has been reported about an innovative and functional product, both for beginners and outstandings in tennis sport. We are referring to Tennisflit, wich is a vertical platform made from iron, accommodative to any surface (tennis-court, cement, ground or grass) that uses a springy system that moves a telescopic rod, similar to a fishing-rod. An elastic rope with a tennisball hangs from it.
The device attracts our attention particularly because it permits the free flight of the ball, and also that the ball bounces on the ground. At the same time, the ball always returns to the starting-point, it means where the player is positioned. Thereby, the player seems to play against himself because he doesn´t need anybodyelse to give back de tennis-ball, and even in case that the hit misses the ball, the player doesn’t need to go far to pick it up, because Tennisflit always gives it back.
The player also can foresee or choose the way the ball comes back, because it depends on the hitting potency and direction that the ball shows one performance or another different. On the other hand, the training of the service allows good performances aswell, given that only one tennis-ball is needed to hit hundred and hundred times. Furthermore, the player doesn’t have to crouch to pick up the ball from the ground, he just has to pull the elastic rope to bring the ball to his hand.
The mechanism of this device is very simple, and for working it needs only the raquet energy that hits the ball. Match Point España has contacted some Tennisflit users and they told us that their experience with it has been very positive. We wouldn’t be surprised if Tennisflit becomes in a few years the best training device of the world. Some investors have realized that this product has a very good future and they have contacted their inventors to try to sell Tennisflit in the United States.
On the other hand, several mass-media have written about this device, for instance the magazine Popular Science of last December 2008, informed about it and the TV program “Ideas Factory (Fábrica de Ideas) of the public television of Spain, that showed this device in November. Furthermore, Tennisflit won a silver price at the International Invents exhibition ATTIC08.
All those that want to know more about Tennisflit should visit its Web site at, or must navigate through Internet, where they can find several links and videos.

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