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Me as a Tennis Coach
From “Me as a Tennis Player” is obvious that I had tremendous drive to succeed - to become the best that I can be, but unfortunately this was not possible because I did all by myself without being coached by anyone, not to mention quality tennis coach.

In my coaching career has been a little bit better situation.My playing career ended with graduation at WSU.After, that I started to teach recreational players in one tennis club in Germany.As a tennis teacher I was as competitive as a tennis player:I wanted that the players I teach are the best.I will illustrate this by following example.In that tennis club in Germany I was tennis teacher (giving tennis lessons), and a tennis player (played for the club), and when I had time I played some Grand Prix (professional ) tournaments.The people who were taking lessons from me were people who were not very ambitious ;in other words they wanted to play recreational tennis not competitive tennis.The club female champion for 10 years was local dentist¨s wife.She was kind of local tennis star.Wife of local Mercedes Benz car dealer was taking tennis lessons by me.She booked four hours (she had many children) every week, and everytime when one of her children (children did not show to like tennis) did not want to come she would come instead.I set a goal that I am going to train her to be better than actual female club champion.First time we had tennis lesson, she left crying after 20 minutes because it was too intensive for her, but she kept coming.The point is that I trained her so that she won club championship;new champion after 10 year reign by dentist¨s wife.It was my first win as a coach even that new champion was excusing herself to former champion because she thought that it happened by chance, and former champion was angry at me for traning the other lady so that she lost championship.

For this level of tennis I did not have to educate myself at all:as a matter of fact I was too educated.My drive to be the best coach possibly I can be, forced me to read all the tennis books which came under my hand (it was time of famous handbooks by German tennis federation).

In 1989. I started to coach competative players only.First one was a boy who was 13 at the time, and he was ranked 10th under 14 in former Yugoslavia.Year later, he was number one in 14 and under (the other 9 were behind him ).

Since then, every player I have coached made progress;was better than when he /she came to me.

My best result as a coach were:

Ivana Abramovic 143 WTA

Antonija Matic 214 WTA, and above all

my daughter Lana Popadic 182 WTA.With her I spent 16 years (6 year old to 182 WTA) coaching her what very few people in the world have done it.

From my formal education except B.S: in Business Managemt at WSU, I have tennis teacher diploma from 1986, and I became certified PTR (Professional Tennis Registry) in 1991.I have library of more than 100 books from:tennis technique, tennis tactic, teaching methodology, training methodology, biomechanics, psychology, physiology, physical conditioning, nutrition, injury prevention etc..I have numerous videos of actual matches as well as educational videos.So far I wrote 6 tennis articles:

¨Die Kunst des Vorausdenkens”

The Grips part I

The Grips part II

The Best Possible Grip/Shot Combination part I

The Best Possible Grip/Shot Combination part II

Two-Handed is Superior to One Handed Bachand

Right now I am writing handbook “Overrhead Smash”, and continuing to educate myself as tennis coach because this is something which has no end.

My credo is:

The Quality Makes Me Stand Out From the Crowd

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