Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Okay, so I've been sick for about a week now. My mom thinks it's bronchitis. So, I haven't been able to really play ): The last time I played was Wednesday, only because I pushed myself to do it since I was having withdrawals. But, obviously, since I wasn't feeling my best, I wasn't doing my best, so it was a waste ):

On the bright side, I got to test out my Prince T22's. And, lemme tell ya, it's like walking on air with those. It felt so different from my other shoes. It was pretty cool. I definitely recommend them. I, also, kind of want the Prince T14's, but I guess I'll get those at a later time.

I, also, was able to use my grip enhancer lotion, and it's okay. I mean, I would need to reapply a few times because I guess my hands just sweat a ridiculous amount whenever I play. Also, it's been over 90 degrees F these past couple weeks which could also have contributed to my sweaty hand problem.

I want a new racquet. Well, I want the racquet that was stolen from me four years prior. It was a Prince O3 white midway, and it was AWESOME. But, I accidentally left it at the courts after one of our team practices and when I went back for it the next day, it was gone ): My coach gave me another Prince racquet, but it just wasn't the same. It's a bit heavier, and I like my racquets light weight so I have more control. I am a small person after all.... I'm 4'9, lol.

I'm pretty happy that I found some people to play with for the remaining five weeks that I'm in New York. That's Jian, my mom, Kenan, Nessa, and Kristy. I, also, occasionally play with Elma and Kelvin. (:

So, I made this profile to really find people in Honolulu to play with because I have no friends there seeing as I'm not really from there; I'm just there for college. At the moment, I'm looking to just hit around with someone until I know I've gotten better. I need to socialize, lol.

Who wants to socialize? :P

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Comment by Stephanie Buenviaje on July 26, 2013 at 3:14pm
I'm feeling a lot better, thanks! And, yep! It was bronchitis. Not sure how I contracted it, but hey, at least it's gone :D And, lol, Joe. I was in a rush to go home after practice and just grabbed my bag, not knowing my racquet was still on the fence.
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on July 26, 2013 at 2:25pm

I hope you are feeling better now.  So, was mom right?  did you have bronchitis?

Comment by Joe B. (BP, CA) on July 25, 2013 at 12:08am

You left a racquet on a court overnight, and it vanished?  Oh, the shame, LOL!  Probably some pesky aliens came and beamed it aboard their UFO.  Just kidding!  Get well soon and hit those courts again.  That's what we here at Tennisopolis are about anyway, right?

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