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Changing the way tennis is played - my experience with Jack Broudy

How many times have you heard “bend your knees and roll your shoulder!” when trying to improve your tennis game? Of course that’s only one of the hundreds of things that we are taught early on when picking up this game. Do most of them work? Sure, if you adapt your game to be loose and under powered. Heck, I used to be one of those guys out there, running around and swinging as hard as I could to get a little extra pace and penetration. It was effective, but only 75% of the time and the other 25% was generally during a pressure point. Even when making 75% of those great shots in, I was 100% worn out after a couple of hours, drenched in sweat and my body regretting every single split step I took; yes, I’m not in the shape I used to be – age is getting the best of me but even at my prime I was always completely drained of energy to hit another ball after a while.

I was getting pretty tired of the same old song and dance, hitting seven or eight good shots for every 10 when it should be 10 good shots for every 10, I needed something different. I was seeking new life for my tired tennis game. Read more about the new way of playing tennis.

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