Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Well something had to snap me out of my stupor. I’ve been having the hardest time finding inspiration in tennis. I never thought that would ever happen to me. After all, I am too obsessed with the sport, too addicted to the game. And then one by one the Big Babes started getting injured, or pregnant, or side-lined by interests other than tennis. And the next thing I know, I had developed a kind of writer’s block. I couldn’t be inspired if you paid me to write this blog...

And then along came Aravane Rezai. Chick woke me right up, slapped me out of my torpor the same way she slapped Justine Henin right out of Madrid, feeding her a bagel no less in the third...

Go here for the rest of this entry. And thanks as ever for reading.

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Comment by tennischick on May 19, 2010 at 6:26pm
agree with Sharapovanovic's comment. it's important not to get carried away by these newbies.
Comment by Sharapovanovic on May 18, 2010 at 6:51pm
Kudos to Rezai for defeating Henin, Jankovic, and Venus to win the tournament; she couldn't have faced a much more formidable trio on this surface. I think that the French Open will be an excellent test for her ability to handle the pressure of expectations, both hers and those of others. Until then, I'd be cautious about her. Everyone here went crazy about Oudin, who has the same height disadvantage and a similarly pugnacious attitude, when she reached the US Open quarterfinals. Since then, she's accomplished little outside Fed Cup. All the best to Aravane, though, as she strives to answer the challenge!
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on May 18, 2010 at 4:55pm
I heard the announcer say that her best friend designed her dress - are you sure it wasn't her worst enemy? Ughhh....
Comment by tennischick on May 17, 2010 at 8:17pm
i hope she continues to deliver. she has a lot to learn but there is some raw talent there for sure.
Comment by Chris on May 17, 2010 at 6:15pm
Rezai was so impressive throughout the whole tournament!!!!! I was excited too. She obviously hit harder then Venus, and if she can cut down on the double-faults and keep hitting balls like that, she will be a force to reckon with. xD
Comment by Mark / The Mayor on May 17, 2010 at 10:09am
Tennischick, wse can't have you getting writers block! But I hear what you are saying - I've been thinking, "who's going to step up and become the next champion?" Is it Wosniacki, Azarenka...... maybe its Rezai! Can't wait for the rest of the season to learn who it will be - it is bound to happen. We can't stay in this quicksand that is the women's tour forever!

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