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It is truth, Leryn really was attending Novak's Beijing matches!

OK, when I wrote first story about Novak Djokovic and Leryn Franco, I have to admit I thought it's just a gossip cause there were no any photos of Novak and Leryn together. Then the photo from the restaurant appeared, but still no proofs that she was attending his matches.

Finally, the photo appeared! Leryn was caught watching Nole's match with Serbian, some rumors are definitely truth, at least that they are friends and that they were seeing each other during Olympics. I'm not applying that they had something romantically, just that something was happening, maybe a start of a nice friendship! We'll see...

I can't blame her for coming to his matches....would you like to watch this too??

Angela, from Novak Djokovic Forum was in Beijing and took some really great pictures of Nole. This one of Leryn was taken by her too (thanks for that!). You can see Angela's other photos of Nole here.

(photo/Angela via Novak Djokovic Forum)

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Comment by Elaine on August 30, 2008 at 1:43pm
I hope Novak is ok with this publicity.

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