Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Lei Wang
  • Male
  • San Antonio, TX
  • United States
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Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
San Antonio, TX
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Chinese working and living in SA, TX
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My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
Not bad.
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Comment Wall (3 comments)

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At 1:30pm on October 2, 2008, SATennisguy said…
Also, you may want to talk with Ketan, he has a very nice solid two handed backhand and so does Tre from the group...
At 1:06pm on October 2, 2008, SATennisguy said…
Lei, on the two handed backhand, I dont hit one...suggest a couple of things you can get some lessons on that..suggest David our group..very reasonable and has a great two handed backhand..
Secondly, not sure if I understand the question, but am thinking that the ball hits the back line and bounces higher? If that is the correct, then either taking the ball early as it rises off the line..very hard to do but can be done or back up as you suggested...if you anticipate early that the ball will be deep you can make that adjustment..while you are still deep in the back court you can hit off the front foot and generate pace to drive the ball deep yourself...hope this helps..we can work on some of this on Saturday morning as well..

At 11:11pm on September 27, 2008, SATennisguy said…
Hi Lei - welcome to the Alamo Aces...thanks for being part of our growing group...we do a Saturday morning hit around at Clark High School from 8-10 to all members all levels. This is for drills and hitting and working on your great chance to meet other members......hope you get a chance to get out and play soon..Check out the COURT TIME TAB on top of page for info about the hit around that is posted each week
there is a group message is definitely the best way to leave a message for all group members..however..make sure you leave an email or phone # on it as members cannot reply to that message.

Any questions just ask...welcome again!!

Nice hitting with you today!

Alamo City Aces Group Administrator

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