Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

  • Male
  • Westbury, NY
  • United States
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Jonathan's Discussions

What's REALLY going on with Roger Federer??

Started this discussion. Last reply by mikeindo Jul 28, 2008. 1 Reply

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Profile Information

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Casual Player, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Westbury, NY
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
I'm a HUGE tennis fan, former competitive tennis player looking to rekindle the streak. Nike is the best tennis apparel company EVER (you think after buying a lot of their gear and that plug will get me an endorsement deal???). Music business consulting is how I pay the bills but cooking and pairing the appropriate wine is what I love!
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Andre Agassi, Roger Federer, Pete Sampras (Don't even BEGIN to start the "Who's the Greatest of All Time talk!! haha)
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5, NTRP 4.0, If tennis is on TV - I am watching
On the court, I am a:
rightie, singles player, one-hander, gamer, grunter
My favorite local courts:
Anywhere friendly but competitive tennis is happening!
Relationship status:
Favorite website:

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 10:55am on February 23, 2014, Michael Chan said…
Hi Jonathan I'm a 3.5 player and just wanted to see if you would like to hit or play sometime. Let me know if you're interested.
At 8:46pm on November 3, 2010, Denise Francis said…
Do you play indoor tennis ? How about Alley Pond


At 11:13pm on June 17, 2010, MarkB said…
Johnathan, you must visit Cunningham Park on a weekend one day and let me know at so you can add to your collection a trophy of beating (yeah right!) this old man (me).
At 9:23am on June 10, 2010, Jamar said…
Hey J! I'm back and my schedule will now allow more time for tennis. Let's play! send me a email to set up a few times.
At 8:56pm on April 23, 2010, Nick Lerias said…
Cool man. Yeah those times definitely work for me. I'm free this weekend basically anytime if you wanna meet up and hit around. Lemme know!
At 7:39pm on March 9, 2010, Jason Lampione said…
Your going to be a superstar by the time our training comes to an end.

Jason Lampione.
At 11:04pm on August 29, 2009, Robert Scianimanico said…
Got the message. Baldwin Park sounds good for 11:00. I'll look up directions and meet you at the courts at around 11:00. I can shoot for at least an hour, 15. Any changes call me. Look forward to meeting you and shooting around a bit.

At 11:23pm on August 28, 2009, Robert Scianimanico said…
It's in Lynbrook, off Sunrise Highway near the Lynbrook train station. They have nice courts. I am not familiar with other courts although I recall there are some near the Hempstead lake area. You let me know if you know of any closer for you or if Grant Park is ok. The park at Hempstead lake definately has courts, I just don't know if we need to researve them.
At 12:33pm on August 28, 2009, Robert Scianimanico said…
11:30 is fine if it is good with you. If you can't make it, or if 5:00 is better, send me a mail or call 516 606-8942.

At 9:41am on August 28, 2009, Robert Scianimanico said…
You want to try for this Sat or Sunday? What time works for you? I'm thinking around 2 on either day at Grant Park. Let me know.


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