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Frederic's Page

Profile Information

Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Brooklyn, NY
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Originally from Socal. Love to play with a variety of partners and pretend that the dive bar around the corner from my local courts is some form of clubhouse (only place that serves beers at 1pm!).
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Henin / Davenport (mentally tough),
Safin (most talented tragedy award)
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.5, Pretty damn good., Not bad., I'm getting there.
On the court, I am a:
hacker, trixter, poacher, gamer, top-spinner, grunter, double faulter, gracious winner, heckler, tournament goer
My favorite local courts:
Williamsburg - wouldn't call them my favorite but they're the closest.
Relationship status:

Comment Wall (6 comments)

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At 6:40am on April 13, 2009, Dave said…
Hi Frederic,

I live in Park Slope, Brooklyn and have no problem traveling to play. I'm a teacher so this week, and all summer, I have lots of time. I used to be decent but am a little rusty. Let me know if you're interested.

At 2:40pm on September 20, 2008, frjameson said…
Please contact me if you want to play by e-mailing me at I am a 3.0. Prefer playing in Dyker Heights.
At 11:45pm on May 11, 2008, Will O'Dwyer said…
Thanks for the Info!
At 2:05pm on May 9, 2008, Kesley said…
Hey Frederic - for sure. My personal email is

Let's play this weekend if the weather gets better!

At 8:02am on April 13, 2008, Emi said…
Ciao Fredric I wonder if you want to play. I had an injury and start playing again with no push but I can play again. I've been palying for long time and I can play in Park Slope or in the Brooklyn part of the district close to Manhattan or (of course) I can play in Manhattan as well. Let me know if you want to play and I'm not a too hard hitter.
At 11:08pm on April 12, 2008, Mark / The Mayor said…
Hi! It's great to have you here! This is my *new* generic welcome message that, fortunately, is required due to the enormous growth. We're growing by 100 new members a day, and I just couldn't keep up. But that's a good thing. ;-)

Invite your friends too. We’re trying to reach 20,000 members by Wimbledon. :-)
If you need any help, let me know.

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