Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Edward Sim
  • Male
  • Evanston, Il
  • United States
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I am a:
Casual Player
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 8:39am on April 13, 2013, Sanam Shafii-Mousavi said…

Hi Edward,

I recently joined this site and I'm interested in finding other players in the Evanston area who'd like to get together to play tennis sometime. I'm a casual player as well. Let me know if you're interested. Thanks.


At 1:12pm on October 19, 2012, Max said…

sounds good, but not sure if the courts are accessible to non-northwestern students. do you know if they're open to the general public?i'll phone you at 11am tomorrow regarding the weather update.

At 8:57pm on October 16, 2012, Max said…

yeah sounds good. where'd you like to play? if there are good ones at evanston that could work since i'd like to get this type of drink at joyyees before playing

At 6:17pm on October 16, 2012, Max said…

hey man, checked the weather and looks like it'll be rainy for the next couple of days. Saturday should be a good day -- no rain forecast and sunny. Let me know if that works.

At 8:12pm on October 15, 2012, Max said…

oh ok, i;ll let you know how my schedule pans out

At 5:09pm on October 15, 2012, Max said…

Tomorrow might work

At 10:39am on October 15, 2012, Max said…

Attached is a link to Northbrook Tennis courts, not sure which are lit. I can't make it Thursday, but am free tonight if that works. I know a tennis court in Highland Park that are lit until 9 or 10 pm.

At 5:48am on October 15, 2012, Max said…

Hi Edward, sounds good. When would you want to hit this week? It's been somewhat rainy the past few days. I  know of an indoor court, if you'd be up for that. Otherwise, I'd prefer somewhat earlier in the day than later so it's not too cold and dark.

At 11:50am on September 21, 2008, Miguel said…
Hi I'm in Palo Alto if you ever want to play let me know! Thanks!
At 1:15pm on August 1, 2008, Patrick said…
Hi. I haven't played in a couple weeks, so I don't know if you've attended the meet-ups. But just to let you know, we play every Saturday at Canada College off of interstate 280 at 11 AM. Feel free to come out. We get about 6-14 players and there are new people every week, so you won't be the only one. Most of us are in the 2.5 - 3.5 range, so you won't have a problem feeling at home with us.

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