Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

  • Male
  • Bolingbrook Il.
  • United States
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Profile Information

I am a:
Tennis Fan, Tournament or League Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Bolingbrook Il.
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
love tennis, playing or watching. I'll play anything, single, doubles, mixed and I also hit with a few junior tourn players every week.
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
Nedal or Federer
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 4.5, Pretty damn good., If tennis is on TV - I'm watching.
On the court, I am a:
trixter, slicer, singles player, two-hander, top-spinner, moon baller, baseliner, drop-shotter, gracious winner, gracious loser
My favorite local courts:
Romeoville, new courts, blue surface with lights, great now that it's getting dark so early
Relationship status:
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Comment Wall (46 comments)

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At 3:49pm on March 6, 2013, SKYLER said…

You are right. More than 90% of the time people do not answer messages at this site. Mark the Mayor said to post a profile pic to help getting  more responses but that does not work if you have a pic or not.

At 8:34pm on November 30, 2012, Mark / The Mayor said…

Booyah!   You've been featured!

At 1:32pm on May 5, 2012, Natalie said…

Hi Don,

I will be out by O'Hare for a conference May 7th-9th. Can play around there in the evenings, around 6pm or so if you'd like.


At 12:46pm on April 16, 2012, Jazz Burks said…

Great hitting with you! You are right I just love to play. Hope to do it again the next time I am out there.

At 6:33am on April 7, 2012, Natalie said…
Yes, only city
At 10:47am on April 6, 2012, Jazz Burks said…
Hey Don, I'm going to be out in romeoville this weekend. Did you have any free time?
At 8:19pm on August 10, 2011, Chakriya Yodsanga said…

hehe..that is a big problem..maybe when u visit Virginia :)))


At 4:59pm on August 9, 2011, Chakriya Yodsanga said…
I am glad for Asian lady...I think they are pretty and sweet! let me know if you want to play tennis.
At 4:10pm on July 21, 2011, Alex M said…
Hi Don, I have yet to play once since I just moved here (plus its waaaaay to hot to play right now!) and i dont have a car/know the area at all so i would prefer to play in the city. Oz park has tennis courts, which is in my neighborhood (lincoln park).
At 12:15pm on June 28, 2011, Chakriya Yodsanga said…

Thanks Don for comments :)



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