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Profile Information

I am a:
Casual Player
Neighborhood or other helpful location info:
Tampa, FL
Random things about me (hobbies, occupation, tennis history, favorite band, etc.):
Looking to play on the weekends. 3.0 to 3.5
Favorite pro tennis player(s):
My tennis skill (please check your NTRP if you know it):
NTRP 3.0
On the court, I am a:
rightie, two-hander
My favorite local courts:

Comment Wall (9 comments)

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At 8:34pm on January 31, 2013, Waqas Khan said…

Hey David,

i'm out of town this week, until Sunday, but i can play during weekdays, after 6pm. There are hard courts and clay courts near my house. 

Let me know. Thanks

At 9:06am on August 12, 2012, Cody Skirmont said…

Hey man, how are ya?

I'm trying to find anyone to hit with.

If you're interested hit me back at



At 2:57pm on October 27, 2011, Dave Wilder said…

OK I think I found them. Go west on Fowler. Take a rt on USF Bull Run Dr. just past 50th street. Take a left onto Alumnni Dr and then a right on N. Maple Dr. There are 10 courts on the right a lttle ways down on N. Maple. Drive. 10am Sunday?

At 2:11pm on October 27, 2011, Dave Wilder said…

I can't find the public courts over at USF. I think they may be near the Sundome. I found the varsity courts but they are private. I will see what else I can find out about that.The place I play is JC HaNDLEY Park on Kings Ave. There are only 4 courts so it may be busy. Here is a site I found that seems pretty good.

At 12:24pm on October 27, 2011, Dave Wilder said…

Hey David,

I contacted Manny at Temple Terrace Tennis Center. He said they are very busy every morning. You are right. 6 clay courts. If you are a member, you can reserve times. Times are from 8-9:30 am, 9:30 am-11 am etc. He said courts start to open up around 11am but can be hit and miss. Cost is 10 per person for the hour and a half. Let me know if you want to try for around 11am or even play there later in the day or  somewhere else.

At 8:25pm on October 26, 2011, Dave Wilder said…
That sounds good to me. I love to play on clay. Is there a # to call there? I would hate to get over there and the courts are full. Is that west of Fowler?
At 7:29pm on October 26, 2011, Dave Wilder said…

Hey Dave,

I just got on here today. There didn't seem to be a lot of activity. I think the brutal summer heat may have something to do with it. I could do 10 am there though I am not sure where it is. Do you have an address for it? Have you hit with anybody from here? I am rusty but can get better quickly if I play with someone regularly.

At 5:58pm on October 26, 2011, Dave Wilder said…

Hey David,

I am Dave too. Looking to find someone to hit some balls with. If you are interested on hitting some this Sunday, let me know. I am a bit rusty but was a player in my younger days. Just need practice.

At 8:31pm on September 22, 2011, Mark / The Mayor said…
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