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Hey so I'm looking for a partner in the area. Man, woman, or particularly talented animals are welcome. I'm about a 3.5 working my way back to my high school glory days at 4.5. Evenings are great, weekends even better and I'm waiting for your reply.

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I dont know of any courts near brookfield or that area. As for ogden, right near there is Hinsdale Central High School which has some pretty good lighted courts. I would be up for this weekend if you want to meet.


Eddie Robles said:
Whats up Stefan,

I am looking for a partner as well in the near west suburbs. I am close to Berwyn and would not mind meeting somewhere in between to play. If you know a nice park close to Ogden ave or I 55 near Brookfield, Countryside, LaGrange or even Darien and Hinsdale. I would be willing to make the drive. I normally can play in the morning from 8am-10am or in the evenings 8pm and after. On the weekends I am open. Let me know what you think,

Hi Stefan,

I live in Darien. I am pretty much 3.5 as well. I can play during the week after 600pm, during the weekends in the mornings or evenings. Let me know what you think.
Hey sorry for getting back to you so late. I play either at Darien Park, Hinsdale Central or Harvester park? How about Thursday evening. Say around 6:30?

sinan tas said:
Hi Stefan,

I live in Darien. I am pretty much 3.5 as well. I can play during the week after 600pm, during the weekends in the mornings or evenings. Let me know what you think.
Hey Stefan. I can play in Hinsdale. I'm around a 4.0 and can play most nights and weekends.

I'd play in Burr Ridge, Hinsdale, and Darien. evenings are best for me.

tuesday/thursday/weekends are best for me

james, stefan, I would play.

Nearest court is Hinsdale Central High School.

home is hinsdale. would travel.

willing to travel. home is hinsdale.

Hi Karl, wow this post is super old, I didn't even know it was still up. I'm back in the area for a while and would like to play. Let me know if you are open to this.

I'm still looking for tennis partners.


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