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I'm still a beginner.  I played some in the Summer but it's been a while.  I had to Google the ratings, but I figure I'm somewhere around a 2.0 or so.  Hopefully before too long I could knock the rust off and be more of a challenge.

Does anyone want to meet up and play a game?  I live in Palms, so Cheviot Hills and Mar Vista are really close for me, but I could go to others in the area.


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Hi Mark,

I've just replied to a thread on 2.5 and noticed your post.  I can definitely relate to your "googling ratings" experience! I'm also relatively new to tennis, but enjoy a lot.  Westside / Santa Monica area would work.

I'd say I'm playing at the 2.5 to almost 3.0 level now.  Does anyone want to play somewhere on the Westside?  Pretty open to different courts and times, I just want to play some more.


I'm interested in playing. Let me know your availability.

Thanks! Suzy

Weekdays in the late afternoon, like three and beyond, and pretty much any weekend if we plan ahead a few days. My email is . Let me know what works best for you.


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