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I would like to play tennis once a week with someone on the west side. I am a solid 3.0 and sometimes a 3.5. My preferred court is Dunbar. Would be willing to play casual singles--mostly hitting--or women's doubles.

Views: 131

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I'm always looking for new people to play with in the west side.

Perhaps this weekend?

I like to rally, but also sometimes play a casual set.


Text me:  778-828-3868

Hi, Matthew.  

Thanks for the reply but I've found some other people who have a similar schedule and who I can schedule easily.  I hope you find other partners.  

Best, Liz

This is Paul (DJ DQ).

I've bee out of the game for a while but looking to get back in. So I'd prob be around you're level at this point. 

I'm avail most days and evenings and live on 10th and Blanca so willing to go anywhere within 20 min from there. 

Text or call me 778 872 3537 if interested.


Hi, Paul.

Thanks for the reply but I've found some other people who have a similar schedule and who I can schedule easily.  I hope you find other partners.  

Best, Liz

Hi Liz, I am in Vancouver for the next month, and looking to hit. I am happy to meet you at any court, any day of the week. Let me know. -Darren

Hi, Darren.

Thanks for the reply but I've found some other people who have a similar schedule and who I can schedule easily.  I hope you find other partners.  

Best, Liz

Hi Liz,

I noticed you are responding to people saying you found some people with a similar schedule/etc. so am not sure if you're still looking for new people to play with?

I am quite often at the Dunbar courts either hitting against the wall, practicing my serve, or playing with various friends.

If you're interested in hitting/or playing doubles some time let me know.



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