Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Dear friends,

You all have been a great support through the years and hope this email finds you well!

I’m writing to share the exciting news of what’s to come for Modern Tennis Methodology this year! We have big plans and want to bring you along with us as we grow.

First off, I am moving my emailing list to another service. If you want to join us and continue getting my emails with news and tips, please take this time to subscribe to our list here -

As a bonus for signing up, I will also send you a link to get my new ebook “Play Like The Pros” released in 2016 – absolutely free! 

…so what’s new you ask?


The biggest change has already begun! will be the new home for all of my coaching, tips, news and everything MTM. The site is already live and improvements are continuing to be made – please have a visit and let me know what you think!


All of my DVDs and streaming content can now be purchased at


My entire MTM coaching series (and more) is now available on CoachTube’s video streaming service! You will find my videos much easier to follow along and learn with this awesome learning tool. Feel free to check out my channel here -

Note: If you purchased my MTM Streaming service in the past, you should have received an email from me providing access to your purchased content now If you purchased my streaming series and DID NOT receive an email, please let me know so I can get it sorted out for you.

There will be much more to share in the next few weeks. Please take the time to join our new emailing list to hear all about it (and get my new ebook!).



Oscar Wegner

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