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Looking to play with others who are rated between 2.0 and 3.5. I'm probably a 2.5 or so. Availability fairly open until the semester; then weekends and evenings will work best.

Views: 190

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Hello, Candace,

We have a group that meets at Randolph Park to play on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. and Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. We would welcome you to join us.

Hi Mark,

Great, thanks for the invite! I usually have a meeting until 6:30 on Thursdays. How long do the sessions usually go?

Mark Renfro said:
Hello, Candace,

We have a group that meets at Randolph Park to play on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. and Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. We would welcome you to join us.

We usually play until 8:30 or 9:00 if we are going good. Come around after your meeting. We have a good group, but always looking for more players.


Candace said:
Hi Mark,

Great, thanks for the invite! I usually have a meeting until 6:30 on Thursdays. How long do the sessions usually go?

Mark Renfro said:
Hello, Candace,

We have a group that meets at Randolph Park to play on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. and Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. We would welcome you to join us.

Hey candace, if you don't mind playing late, like 8/830ish, I'll hit with you.
I won't be able to stop by this week, but next week I can.

Candace said:
Hi Mark,

Great, thanks for the invite! I usually have a meeting until 6:30 on Thursdays. How long do the sessions usually go?

Mark Renfro said:
Hello, Candace,

We have a group that meets at Randolph Park to play on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m. and Thursday evening at 6:30 p.m. We would welcome you to join us.

8:30 is fine. Next Thurs?

Jeremy Sala said:
Hey candace, if you don't mind playing late, like 8/830ish, I'll hit with you.
Sounds good. Where at?

Candace said:
8:30 is fine. Next Thurs?

Jeremy Sala said:
Hey candace, if you don't mind playing late, like 8/830ish, I'll hit with you.
I've never played at Randolph so you know more about it than I do.

Jeremy Sala said:
Sounds good. Where at?

Candace said:
8:30 is fine. Next Thurs?

Jeremy Sala said:
Hey candace, if you don't mind playing late, like 8/830ish, I'll hit with you.
Actually, me neither, I've only been in Tucson for 3 weeks, I looked it up and it's a tennis center so it a few bucks and closes at 930.

Candace said:
I've never played at Randolph so you know more about it than I do.

Jeremy Sala said:
Sounds good. Where at?

Candace said:
8:30 is fine. Next Thurs?

Jeremy Sala said:
Hey candace, if you don't mind playing late, like 8/830ish, I'll hit with you.
I'm re-opening this thread. I'd like to get out and hit around if any beginners are interested. I've moved and am now near Reffkin (or Randolph, whichever name you prefer), which has pretty cheap rates during the day. I'd like to get something weekly or bi-weekly going. Days that will work best for me include Monday mornings, Wednesdays, and Friday mornings. Weekends may be available too.
Hi Candace,

We are likely at a similar level. I am looking for a partner too. Will you consider playing at Catalina High School? I usually play there in the evening. If you prefer mornings, I could play on weekends.

I will be living in Oro Valley mid Aug and would love to hit sometime.


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