Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey everybody,

I'm moving to Chapel Hill for grad school and want to play a healthy amount of tennis while there. Chapel Hill Tennis Club is super expensive, so if you know free / cheap courts to play on, I'd be ready in an instant.

Get in touch with me however makes sense to you; looking forward to meeting and playing with many of you!


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I can play tomorrow 5/5 anytime after 11 am.

Text if u wanna play 704-574-2149


Hey Eric, I am here for the summer and live really close to UNC-CH campus so if you want to play sometime that would be great. I am looking to play a couple of times each week at least.


I've got plenty of time to play. Friday before 9 am or after 6 pm and then pretty much any time this week. pm to figure out a time and to exchange numbers.

Eric, Sam and Tina,

New to this forum. I started playing tennis a few months ago but have taken some lessons and have learned quickly. In short, I'm completely hooked. Looking for people that can play at night around 8pm-ish. 

If you're interested, you can email stevenclausnitzer at g-mail

Hope to see you on the court!


Hello Eric,

My name is Sonny Kierulf. I'm a 4.0-4.5 player from Richmond, VA by way of Chicago, IL.and I'm visiting Raleigh today (Thursday, 7/31) and tomorrow (Friday, 8/1). While I was here I'm looking for someone to hit and play some points with. I'm free between 8:30am and 4:40pm. Please let me know if you're interested. I'm close to the public courts on NCSU's campus.  You can email me at or call at 708-606-1143.



P.S. By the way, I'm a grad student too...3rd year Ph.D. in Social Ethics.

Hi everyone, I know this post is a bit old now but I thought I would reach out to see if anyone would like to hit with me sometime this week (or whenever). I live in Chapel Hill (pretty close to campus). Thanks!

Hi Jovan,

I just arrived to town. Would be great to hit some day. I'm looking to play recreational tennis, 2 to 3 times a week. Play in the campus would be great.

Also, others around, I would love to catch to play


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