Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey there, would any of you know of a reasonable tennis court in the city? Downtown area? I am hoping to get a game but am not sure where I can play.

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I live at Ossington and Bloor, and Ramsden is where I usually go. The courts are not the best, but the area is really nice. There are actually 12 courts there I believe. 4 of them are the ones that they convert into a hockey rink at night. The other 8 are alright, decent enough to play on for me. During the night though, only the 4 convertible ones have lights until 11, which is great, because hardly anyone is there from 8-11.

York University has nice courts that are free and opened until midnight on some days.

As for courts near Dufferin Mall, theres Dovercourt park, which is located just east of Dovercourt and North of Bloor. They are concete courts with that are not maintained too well, but worth a look from time to time.

Theres also courts at Lansdowne and Dundas.

If you guys are interested in playing in the evenings, lemme know. I usually drive so I can pretty do up anyplace.
Thanks for the info, I'm interested in any court providing we can play and it's not too much rough,if you know a good court, we can start asap the weather permits

I find the most playable and accessible court near dufferin mall i probably Ramsden. Theres actually one right at dufferin and bloor too, but the nets are beat up.


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