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I was doing some research this spring on Tennis Academies. I posted my findings at the following site:

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you ever think about going to another country for tennis? My friend runs and there are several smaller ones in Thailand--his academy dorms plus you can get an IB education there. Other smaller places run practices before school and after school in Bangkok, but do not provide schooling.
What are the qualifications of the coaches? Have they produced players that went on to college or the pros? Are scholarships available? Why send a kid all the way to Thailand?
there are numerous academies here that have qualified players for ATP level events.

think about it, where are all the ITF's being played, where are all the Challengers/Futures.

Bangkok alone has like 6 itf's a year, 4 futures, 2 challengers, an ATP event 600k and a WTA event. then, you have singapore, malaysia, china, indonesia events also.

plus costs are lower in Asia for the most part--I only know Thailand.

lastly, the weather here is tough--high temperatures, humidity, etc. if you can play here, you can play anywhere.

BUT ASIA HAS NO GOOD PLAYERS is an argument...

But Noppawan Lertechsomething is the NUMBER ONE JUNIOR in the world for girls.

I think Asians suffer from being small of stature, but if your son or daughter is large, training here would probably be cheaper than Florida--you would have smaller class sizes, access to more competition, and year around training.

However, it is faraway if you do live in Florida.

Thomas Meyer said:
What are the qualifications of the coaches? Have they produced players that went on to college or the pros? Are scholarships available? Why send a kid all the way to Thailand?

Paradorn Srichiphan was coached by his father using Oscar Wegner's book and videos.  Li Na just won the French Open - not coincidentally Oscar's book was translated into Chinese by a group of coaches in 1999.  Earlier this week Oscar coached a 6'3" former Chinese Olympic Women's Volleyball Champion in San Diego.  

Oscar has a unique  and affordable elite training program for players and coaches in San Diego, CA.    Go to his website for details.


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