Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Preferrably at USF because those are well kept and free. However I live on linebaugh and nixon, If you know close courts to there.

I'm looking for a 4.0 and higher player. I haven't played tournaments(want to in future), but I consider myself a 4.5 player because I give my 4.5+ friend a respectable match. 22 years old, I consider my strengths to be forehand and footwork.
Pretty steady baseliner hoping to improve volleys and serve.

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi...i'm kris. are you interested to have a hit sunday evening at USF?
i'm a 3.5 - 4.0.
let me know if interested.

813-507-3581 just looking to hit around.
Hi. I'm available most weekday evenings if you'd like to hit around @USF. I would guess to be a 4-4.5 player.

Please let me know if interested.


hey if you are 4.0-4.5 then I'd love to hit with you. do you have an email i can contact you by?

Quentin N. said:
Hi. I'm available most weekday evenings if you'd like to hit around @USF. I would guess to be a 4-4.5 player.

Please let me know if interested.


im moving to tampa in a couple of months to carrolwood area & would appreciate a network of players, you know a few?
Hey Elijah, I am a young professional new to the Tampa bay area and also looking for tennis players. I work mon thru fri 8-5 so I can play anytime in the evening or weekend. Please let me know when you are free if you are still looking to play some tennis. I played competitively in high school but I'm probably a 4.0 right now.



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