I started playing tennis in 2003, but stopped about two years ago.I think I got pretty good (consistent hits and decent speed and serves) when I stopped playing. For sure not a pro though. I've been having a craving to go out and play again and get into a routine. I am available all day, every day (no joke) so feel free to let me know if you are interested.
Permalink Reply by shane on September 20, 2009 at 6:56pm
hey leslie, i can hit tuesday night (7-8ish) if you have lighted courts avaliable. I'm a member at the balboa tennis club also, so we can hit there. I live in mission valley. I'm a 4.5 lefty baseliner. haven't played for 3 weeks cuz of work and a bad cold, but I'm getting over my cold now. just email me at xin.wei4@gmail.com