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Who's up for playing.  I have court at my complex.   I am  rusty 4.0+.   I can play when ever, let me know. 


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hey, Jon! 

Im 3.5 player if you are interested. text or call me if you wanna hit it at either your place or balboa courts. 3107285148

Hey Jon,

I am also a rusty 4.0.  Haven't played consistenly since high school but made it my new years resolution to play more this year.  I work up in Northridge and am moving up this way next month so I'm down to hit around after 4pm during the week and weekends starting in February.  Let me know if that works for you.

Sounds good.  My email is and my # is 310.808.3111.  Get in contact in Feb. 

Will do. 


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