Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hey! Looking for a few more partners to play with. I know the weather is on and off but if anyone would like to hit around I'm available after 1pm most weekdays. I have a car I can get around if necessary but I live in West Seattle. If anyone knows of a indoor court that would be useful as well.


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Hi Taylor,

I do have a membership with Amy yee indoor tennis center and I think I'm 3.5 rating. I'm available on weekdays after 6 pm and anytime on weekend. Let me know if you wanna rally sometime this week.


Hey Taylor, 

I'd be down to hit sometime if we can find a dry day. I live in Ballard but also have a car so I can meet up weekdays after 5pm or weekends. I'm about a 4.0 but haven't hit regularly in a little while. Let me know.



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