Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Here's What I'm Thinking.

We can use this group to meet other players in the area. At first, we'll jsut set up one-on-one hits/matches based on ability or whatever. Just click on all the members to the left and look thru the profiles to see if you can assess their tennis level. See somebody that looks right? Send them a message.

Or start a new discussion and tell people what you are looking for.

Later, as this group grows (and it will, Tennisopolis is getting 25 new members a day), we can schedule a regular time and place to meet.

That's my thought. Any questions?
One note: I'm the admin for Tennisopolis and I live in Albuquerque. I am a member to help get this group going. Once it takes off, I'll turn the duties over to someone else.

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