I use to play quite a bit. I dated a circuit tennis player. LONG time ago. I want to get back into playing, but it will take me 2-3 times of just hitting to get going. Would love to play with someone a little better and also someone who has a good serve so they can critique MINE. Rusty would be an understatement. Evenings and weekends. I am ready!!! If you have the time, pls leave a message and how I would reach you. Thanks, Dee Dee
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Hi Dee Dee. I too want to get back into playing regularly. My playing was curtailed by surgery on a badly torn rotator cuff muscle. It's been over a year since I picked up a raquet; but,I'm ready and it shouldn't take me long to get back in the groove. I'll hit with you. I have to work my serve back but I definitely know the proper mechanics and I can critique your serve.
Where are the courts that you want to play? Would you alternate coming to a Bradenton court? Let me know. Thanks.
941-795-2866 or sbsboccio@gmail.com
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