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I'm a decent tennis player (never been rated though) looking to play a set or two 3-4 times a week. I work from home so afternoons work great. I live in Pac Heights. Ping me if you can play.



PS: I'd also be open to playing doubles if there is enough interest

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Rafael:

Call you in the afternoon. Probably around 2 pm. Will that work?
That works great for me. see you later man.
Sameer I'm interested in playing in the morning however it has to be early. I'm available from 6:30 - 8:00 am after that I need to go to work. I'm looking to play 5 days a week though.
hello sammer,

i'm up for playing if you still need someone to hit with.

Hi Conrad:

I just got back from Mexico. I'd be up for playing tomorrow or Thursday if you can.



Conrad Benedicto said:
hello sammer,

i'm up for playing if you still need someone to hit with.

Hi Walter:

Unfortunately, that's too early for me :(

Walter Scott Martin said:
Sameer I'm interested in playing in the morning however it has to be early. I'm available from 6:30 - 8:00 am after that I need to go to work. I'm looking to play 5 days a week though.
Hello Sameer,

You're just what I am looking for, so I hope you find this post. I work a lot in the evening. Live in the Richmond and it sounds like we might be able to get some tennis in. I'm just trying to get back to tennis after years of not really playing. I played in the california juniors as a kid, so I know how to hit the ball, but sort of re-learning a few things and certainly rusty when it comes to match play, but overall . . . I can keep you busy on the court, I think. If you're interested say hello. IF you're really interested, call me as it will be easier to pin down a date (rather than write up all my free days/time)

Thanks, BOB 309-5682
Hey Sameer-I too am a decent player looking to play regularly during the day, during the week. I am in between jobs and don't want to wake up too early but should be home when the wife gets home at night. I live in North Beach but have a car and am flexible. Let me know what works.



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