Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

My level is "not bad" and I am looking for a hitting partner in Frisco area during the weekends( preferably in the morning) . I am an okay server. I love playing from the baseline. I am a rightie and have a double handed back hand.



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Hello, I work in Little ELm and would love to shrugg off winter and get back up to par. my email is evenings day or weekends - what ever my schedule permits. I love playing singles and doubles. 

There are a group of players that meet every Tuesday and Thursday at Lonestar High School in Frisco - 6:30. All levels if you are interested.

Is there a group that plays over the weekend? I can't do weekdays but would love to play anytime between Friday to Sunday.

We play on Sunday mornings at Lonestar as well.
Most Saturdays at Wakeland High School


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