Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Anyone interested in starting a regular tennis group to play weekdays evenings 3.0 to 4.5.


I'm interested in starting a regular tennis time weekdays evenings. If anyone is interested in playing regularly, getting back in form and getting back in shape, let me know. The more the better. We can play singles or doubles or mix and match. Let form a regular group.


Views: 9695

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Maybe we play some mixed doubles. I hit this week and last week with a girl new to town. I'm sure she'd be up for it.

Mixed, non mixed or even slightly mixed mixes well with me!!!!!


Anyone interested in some doubles Friday morning?


I thought we had 4 for doubles Friday. You, me, JT and dmd.  No time set yet though.

I'm open to any time.

OK. Sometime early is better. I'm thinking 9 AM. How does that sound to everybody?


J has an interview in the morning. He'd rather hit around 4. Nhien?

How about weekends? I'm hitting with Michelle on Saturday morning at 9 am at Orange Grove in South Pas. Any interest? Maybe John also for doubles?

I can play Saturday morning.


But, Sat. and not Friday?

I need a secretary :)

So, John, want to play 9 am? Just us I guess?

I can hit with J at 4, anyone welcome to join.

And we have 3 for Saturday at 9 am, room for one more.

Wish I can play Friday, but working.  see you Sat.

Aren't there lessons Sat. morning at Orange Grove?

99.9% the lessons are over. All signs are down, but might be other player traffic.


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