Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Anyone interested in starting a regular tennis group to play weekdays evenings 3.0 to 4.5.


I'm interested in starting a regular tennis time weekdays evenings. If anyone is interested in playing regularly, getting back in form and getting back in shape, let me know. The more the better. We can play singles or doubles or mix and match. Let form a regular group.


Views: 9695

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I should be able to hit from 4 - 5:30 today if that is cool with you guys.  where are you hitting Orange Grove?

I guess

ok cool.


I could make it at 4:00 if anyone is up for doubles?


Looks like we have four.  See you all at 4pm. Orange Grove.

wow be great to see you John after that ticket snafoo - it's been way too long!

Off to Sun Valley, back as soon as I can!

John or Nhein do you want to meet at 3:30 to warm up a bit?  Also Rock are you sure there aren't lessons or anything today?


Anyone looking to hit today? Open to time an place.


Anyone looking to play today or tomorrow?

Hey Guys,

Anyone crazy enough to risk a little early morning heatstroke on Friday at Orange Grove?


Tennis was going to spam... grrr... sure. What time?


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