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Junior Tennis Show is a great resource for you and your Junior Player... - enter promo code derek57 to check out free for 14 days

If you are a parent of a Junior Player with the hopes of them getting a college scholorship, what is the path that would lead your child to the best schools? How do you know if you are providing the necessary diet for your child athlete? What are some of the situations a parent might encounter during a child's Junior Tennis career? How do you, as a parent, know that you are giving your child the best possible chance to succeed in their sport? What were some experiences current professional players had as Junior Players?

These are just a few of the important topics that the Junior Tennis Show focuses on...

JTS is an online resource for junior players and their families that provides a wealth of information vital to the advancement of their game. Hear interviews from current Pros/Coaches, College Players/Coaches, Sports Nutritionists, Mental Toughness Experts, Equipment Reps, and Current/Former Junior Players/Parents. Check it out for a few weeks and let me know how you liked it. I have also started a group for the Junior Tennis Show...


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