Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Dear Tennis Friends,

With the assistance of our fellow tennis teacher and PR Executive for my company, Lucile Bosche, here is a wonderful article/Press Release that I am hoping reaches a multitude of blogs, social networks, and the media.

I would be forever grateful if you can post it on any blogs, media, or publications.

We have a movement on our hands, and it is changing tennis worldwide. Your help in disseminating it will mean more kids WILL STAY into tennis and develop higher standards and success. And more adults will truly enjoy the game.

I thank you beforehand.

With my best regards and wishes,


Oscar Wegner's Modern Tennis Methodology - NOT JUST FOR BEGINNERS!

There is some misconception that Oscar's techniques are mainly for beginners. It's true that they are wonderful for beginners, accelerating immensely a learning process which allows players to rally within minutes. As a consequence they enjoy their own ability to control the ball, and they love the game RIGHT FROM THE START.

In 1968 Oscar developed a system which he called "The Wegner Method", A.K.A. "Modern Tennis Methodology". The term "MODERN TENNIS" has come to mean a style of play which incorporates ALL the fundamentals that Oscar identified, which he calls "THE BASICS" in tennis.

But what is Modern Tennis Methodology? It is what we see on the pro tour today, the application of the "Basics" that rule the game. If pros did not have these Basics, they most likely would not be today in the top five hundred professional rankings, male or female. The better they understand and apply these Basics, the better they perform. And when these tennis Basics fall slightly by the wayside, their performances suffer noticeably.

Oscar recommends that coaches and professional players as well as any recreational players look at all his videos and read his current book, Play Better Tennis in 2 Hours. The basic tenets he expounds are the very foundation of today's top professionals, as well as the game of the greatest pros of all time. From Tilden to Budge and Kramer, to Laver, to Borg, to Federer and Nadal, these principles can't be denied. Top women today use them as well.

A myriad of coaches, players, and national programs are using these techniques, which have spread quickly over Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The USA, as usual, is the last frontier to conquer.

For more on Oscar Wegner's coaching methods and his role in the development of Modern Tennis throughout the world, visit

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For customer support call Oscar at 727-735-3293. He'll be happy to personally attend to your concerns.

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