Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

We now have 90+ players participating in the upcoming Glendale Tennis Championships set for April 9 and 10.....This is more than what we had anticipated, but we are still looking to fill up the 4.0 men's singles draw....We need several more players to make it a complete round of 16 draw....


Also, we are looking for one more doubles pair to play in the men's 3.5 doubles....


We only have a handful of women players sign up, so I'm encouraging more to join (4.0 doubles)....


This weekend is the absolute last call, and we will no longer take in entries after Sunday noontime (we will begin constructing the play schedule Sunday afternoon)


The tournament is to be held at Fremonnt Park in Glendale, CA on April 9 and 10... 


Winners will have a choice for a prize consisting of: trophy, personalized nametag, cash, or a combination of two of the above...


Send us an email at if you are interested to join...


Lastly, thank you Tennisopolis for enabling us to get a good number of participants through this website..



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