I'm a 25 year old female, Colombian, looking for a tenis partner in the Brickell Area. I have available tennis courts for free. I'm interested in playing weekday evenings. Please let me know! thanks!
I'm a 24 year old law student at UM. I also live in Brickell and am available on weekday evenings (although Monday and Wednesday are the worst because I don't get back to Brickell until 8pm). I'm an intermediate level player.
where do you usually play. I'm new to Florida. There are very nice courts in Coral Galbles. I work at Miami Childrens Hospital. So it's pretty conviniet. It's only $8 per person per hour. Galina
Hola Karen, yo vivo cerca Brickell, llamame o mandame un text 786 768 1291. Yo puedo jugar despues de las 6 entre semana o a cualquier hora el fin de semana.
Super! Te cuento que no soy muy buena pero quiero aprender y pues si tienes la paciencia y el tiempo seria chevere. Cuentame a ver que te parece si empezamos el miercoles a las 7:45pm. - 8:45pm.
Dale, juguemos este miercoles a las 7:45. No te preocupes, yo tengo paciencia, ademas yo juego para quemar algunas calorias y divertirme, no por competencia. Karen, te recomiendo que practiques tambien un deporte complementario al tennis, como ciclismo, Brickell esta muy cerca a Key Biscayne, el ciclismo alli es muy interesante. Mandame un text o llamame para el lugar. 786 768 1291 http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=731667782
Dear Karen,
Hi. My name is Eric Leifer and i am a certified tennis coach. I teach in many of the buildings in brickell. I saw your posting and thought maybe you would be interested in classes? Thanking you for your time and consideration. My cell number is 786-738-4111.
Best Rgds,
hi i'm 33 year old Chinese american living in the iconbrickell building. pretty close by, and flexible about time. around 2.0 level player. my cell is 4159689923. let me know if you want to hit a few. thanks!