Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Hi Everyone,

We are looking for more players for our USTA 4.0-4.5 League this winter. Home court will be the Combe Tennis Center at Northwestern U in Evanston (a very nice facility). Our away matches will rotate around the North and NW suburbs.

We play one match per week and the season goes from Janurary to May 19. The matches will be on Sat or Sun afternoons. Cost is $15-17 per match. You must also be a USTA member, and pay a league entry fee. There are no other costs or fees, which makes it a great deal. It's single and doubles. All matches are indoors.

Registration is due by December 20th, so please send me a message asap if you might be interested in playing.


Views: 86

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Hi Greg,

If you are still looking for players for your league,  I'd like to join it.

Let me know.



Hi Alex, we'd be happy to have you. Just sent you a friend request. Can you send over your email address? 



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