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I recently came across a kid (13 y/o) who is looking for some tennis instruction in Riverside, CA.  According to his dad, he has never played before and it sounds like they are looking for something recreational or something "cheaper" to see if he would enjoy it and do well. 

Anyone know of some tennis programs in the area? I've been recommended Andulka and Victoria Club but the instruction in both those places might be a bit doesn't have to be at a club either...know any smaller programs?...or relatively inexpensive private coaches?

Please let me know and i will pass the info along!  Thnx!


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If cost is a major issue, and if they don't mind student players or young coaches to teach them the basics, they can try to post an ad on Craigslist. Cheap coaches can be had for $15-20/hr instead of $50-70 for a good one. Can work their way up until they can justify the $70/hr level.
that's true...they found me thru craigslist actually...i was hoping to get a recommendation as well .. I would hate to send them to someone who doesn't know how to teach the basics...

I saw your post for a coach in Corona area. I am in San Dimas and have been coaching for 14 years and played on the pro satellite circuit, USPTR Certified. What exactly are you looking for for the juniors, how many?

Let me know


O wow...dunno how i missed this Michael ... apologies...there are 2 kids ages 5 and 7 ... with their mom's and kids's busy schedule, it's getting harder and harder for them to come hit with me...i think they prefer some instruction more in their area.  As for pricing, they are looking for something "inexpensive" i dunno if it will be worth your while but i will send people your way as i hear about them :)


BTW, i thing i met you briefly once during tri level sectionals. You were playing in the opposite flight..too bad we didn't get a chance to play each other...hope you're still playing!



IF they can make it up to Rancho i would be more than happy to offer them great rates


That's great Javier! Whereabouts in Rancho do you teach?!?!



8316 red oak street( rancho Cucamunga btw)


im opening a new tennis shop and we have courts on site :)


and if they cant make it up here i know some good coaches in irvine

wow that's great! That's nestled amongst a bunch of business type buildings right? Across from AppleBees and south of Terra Vista center?  There are two tennis courts with lights...i go by it all the time when im on Aspen!  Not looking for instruction myself but might drop by the pro shop some time to pick up a few things!




sounds great bud, but horrible news the city wont allow it ( the picks >:[   )

but i do teach on some courts near the 210 freeway and still streing rackets and sell strings so i can def. hook you up my friend! must be talking about Beryl or its a gated community...yea i was just wondering bout strings or grips stuff like that...i string for myself already...just always on the look out to pick up some gear nearby if available....too bad you could get that place...we tried to get that place to play out of too and couldn't get er done either..



yea up at beryl park bud (dint know if u knew the area or not)

but yea i have strings like range from $3- $11 bucks and grips only $1


can u honestly find a place that beats that ????? hahaha


yea might hit you up some time for some gear if im in need...Hope your coaching gig goes you play?




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