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Hey all, I'm just getting back into tennis after a long break.  I guess i would consider myself a 2.5 or 3.0 player.  I'm wondering
whether anyone lives around my area and would like to practice with me during weekday nights or weekends.  THanks!

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What courts do you live nearby? i play in both ontario and rc...
The few times i've played recently have been at the court in my apt complex but the condition isn't so great. I'd be down to meetup at any court with lighting in either ontario or RC since i'm very close to both. Suggestions?
I currently live in Rancho and would be willing to play anybody in the area. I'm not sure of any courts so just name a time and place and I'm there. I'm right around a 3.0-3.5 player but a bit rusty as it's been over 6 months since I've played. Feel free to shoot me an email and we can set some casual games up. [moderator removed-use private msg feature]
Let me if anyone wants to hit during the week. hit me up

Drew, are you still looking for hitting partners? I am a 3.0 player living in West Covina and can play on weekdays and some weekends. And I don't mind driving to Ontario to play with you. Email me [moderator removed-use private msg feature] to let me know. Thanks. - Tagore

In rancho cucamonga up day creek  pass the 210 freeway on the right hand side their is Daycreek park. 



Im about a 3.0 player who hasnt played regularly in years looking for a hitting partner. I live in upland. Let me know.

Heya Drew,


I wouldn't mind practicing with you Drew.  Have you found a hitting partner yet and if not, let's connect.






When you get to a 3.5 level I will hit with you up at day creek park. Let me know. This is a video of my group that I play with up their. I am at the end of the video with white shirt and brown pants with light blue hat. Have a great week.. 



me serving


Hi Tony,


I'm in between a 3.5 -4.0 level.  Do you think I could join your group? 



Hi MIchelle,

Yeah you can. Right now until summer  I am only playing on thursday and some friday nights (5pm to 10 pm) But our usuall days with the group is tuesday and thursday. I will need to know a head of time if you can make it on one of those days. So here is my email you can also add me on fb if you want . I all ways check it. The address of the park is 12350 Banyan st RC

We have a female team that are 4.0 that placed runner up in sectionals. Julie is the captain and she plays with us. She has a full team right now but if your interested she probably will need someone next season. Hope you can add me on fb its allot easier . OK so thursday is a good night to introduce you to the group. Hope to see you on the courts. 


Dang you guys are pretty good!!


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