Tennisopolis : Tennis Social Network

Tennis? 4.5-5.5 Players only.

Views: 241

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Jon- Wanna play?
yea..5.0 player in culver city..wanna hit? -Tim
Sure. email me. [moderator email removed-use private msg feature]

i can hit this weekend.
yes. lets hit- [moderator email removed-use private msg feature]

Tim Le said:
yea..5.0 player in culver city..wanna hit? -Tim
Sure. email me.[moderator email removed-use private msg feature]
i can hit this weekend.
I'm a 5.0 looking for others at the same level or better to hit with. Anyone interested? Hit me up!
Sure. email me. [moderator email removed-use private msg feature].

i can hit this weekend.
what's your email?
Hi, can anyone play weekday mornings?
New to the area, looking to get back into it. Played a year of NCAA Div II college tennis At Georgia Southern. Strong Baseline player and server. Anyone interested in hitting? I live in West Hollywood.

Sure, let's play tonight. I'm off around 6pm.


What's ur email?


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