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looking for 4.5 or higher practice partner @Clovis West/North/Buchannan

I am looking for a practice partner who is serious about improving his/her game and doesn't mind rallying, not playing matches, and who will try to run down every type of shot I will topspin, slice, volley, drop shot, and pound back.  I am looking for someone who will try to hit me off the court and punish me for every weak or silly shot I throw at you--I want a butt-kicking administered to me so that I can improve!  My buddies who are 4.0-5.0 players have left town and I have yet to find anyone around here who loves tennis as much as I do.  I can play 7 days a week.  Please respond

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What times are good for you on which days? And do you have a preference between Clovis West and Buchanan?

I can do either.  For this month (Feb. 2012), I can play between 1:30 and 3:00 M-Th; starting in March, I can play after 4:00 on the same days.  Sat: 8:00 a.m.-dusk; Sun: after 1:00 p.m.  email me at or call (559)434-5622, as I might not check this site often after the next few days.




Based on that schedule you just layed out, the Saturday and Sunday times are probably best for me in the morning's or later on as well whichever works best for you that particular day. The Monday thru Thursday days I might be able to do as well every now and then but because I got class throughout the week, those middle hours during the week I usually dedicate to homework/studying. Can you do this Sunday towards the evening hours? And if we are both happy with the session then we can make a more regular thing. Let me know.

I generally can't do evenings because of family and I can't see as well at night even on lit courts.  Would Sunday at 1:00 work for you?  If not, we could try next Saturday in the morning?

I doubt tomorrow @1 would work for me cause I have some family coming from out of town, usually any other Sunday would have worked though at that time.  I guess we would have to leave it for later this upcoming week.


Please contact me directly at 4334-4622 or email at to make suitable arrangements for us to hit.



I'd be happy to hit with either one of you sometime.  My time frames are pretty limited between work, working out, family stuff, soccer and instructing/hitting with my oldest daughter.  At any rate Buchanan works for me and the weekends are better.  I enjoy heavy hitting and have no worries about triple digit temps when it gets hot. I like the challenge and am always looking to improve.  So while busy I'd be happy to try and squeeze some hitting sessions in. Text me at 559.892.8279.  Thanks, Tony

What time on weekends works for you? I can do this weekend towards the evening if your free then unless something for me comes up. Let me know.

I can probably do 3 or 4 pm tomorrow or a bit later if needed.  My vision is better during the day though.  I have Monday off too so that might be a possibility.

Ok, I will let you know a few hours ahead of time tomorrow if 3 or 4 will work for me. Clovis West's courts have really nice lights for playing at night if those courts would work for you in the evening.

Okay sounds good.  :)


Please giive me a call at 434-5622 or email me directly at to discuss hitting arrangements.



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