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I'm a teacher off for summer, so my schedule is flexible. Would love to play mornings before it gets hot or evenings. San Leandro, Hayward or Castro Valley would be great, but can venture further if need be, especially for mornings. Mary

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Hi Mary, I'm available some mornings and most evenings. I normally play at Hidden Hills in Hayward, great club with 10 courts, no cost to you, I'm a member. So if interested drop me a line, it'll be fun! Wilson

Hi Mary,

I'm looking to get back into tennis, ie my play level is probably low right now.

I'm available various weekdays, (Alternating Tues/Wed, and most Th & Fri). 

Live in Hayward, so any of your locations work for me.

If any interest in seeing if compatible email me


I am available most evenings after 6:00 and weekend mornings as well.  Castro Valley, Hayward, San Leandro and Davie Stadium work for me.  3.0 to 3.5.  Thanks, Bobby.

Sorry, I was slow to reply, had a lot going on past few weeks, but I'm ready to get out and play. Early on the warm days is good. Or evenings. Let me know.


How about next Wednesday evening?  You pick the courts and let me know what time works for you.



I too am interested and just joined this website, after some email problems,  I am in the Castro valley, Hayward hills, SL, area and i am looking to get back in the game.  I can be reached at [edit by mod - please share emails privately]  I have some weeknights and mostly sundays available.





Weeknights or Sundays would work for me also.


This Sunday works for me if you are available.  Email me and we can set something up.  Just got back in the area but I remember some really clean courts in CV, forgot exactly where though.

18988 Lake Chabot Road Castro Valley, the courts are behind the community center


Yes I've played there. That would work for me. How early would you be available Sunday (before it gets too hot). Mary
How does 10 sound?  Justin shot over the address so for now it is the 3 of us.  A fourth would be nice.  Look forward to it.

10 on Sunday is good. See you then. If we get a 4th, that would be great, but either way, just happy to play.




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