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Looking for Hitting Partners 3.5 & up - Berkeley/North Oakland/Mills College

Hi, I'm looking to rally/play a few times a week. Potentially mornings, especially over the weekend, but most likely in the evenings after work. I'm also free some weekday afternoons. I'd like to play near I live, so the best courts are Grove Park or San Pablo Park in Berkeley, or Bushrod Park in Oakland. I'm a grad student at Mills, so we could also play there. I'm an athletic 3.5 who hasn't played in a while and needs to work on consistency.




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Hello - reply back to - I live in the Lake Merritt area and also am a 3.5 player. - Mike
Hey Gareth--I'm a rusty player in the 3.5 zone living near San Pablo Park. I get out of work around 4pm on work days, so if you want to hit the ball around let me know:      looks like we might have to wait a while before the courts dry out! Cheers, Bill

Hey Gareth-


Would you be interested in playing sometime this week weather permitting. The Bushrod courts work really well for me. I'm 34, an artist/metal worker and have been getting back on the courts myself after not much consistency.


thanks, keith

818 399 0698

Hi Gareth,

I'm interested in playing sometime at Mills.  Let me know if you are interested in playing late afternoon during the week or Sat/Sun in the AM. I'm a 3.5.





Hey Gareth,

I can play after work on weekdays, around 7.  Rally or play a set, doesn't matter. 





Hi, my name is Taehyung and I usually play at Bushrod, San Pablo, or Willard park.

I can play weekdays evenings except Thursdays, since I have meditation classes on that day. :)

I think I'm about 3.5.

Please let me know if you want to play tennis with me.


Taehyung Cho


Hi Gareth,

Want to play this Sunday, July 3? I'm looking for a game with someone. I'm a 3.5 player. 


By the way--how do people connect on this site? I mean give each other their phone numbers and such?


Hi Gareth,

If you're still looking for tennis partners I'd like to get together sometime. I'm a 3.5 player in your area (South Berkeley). Give me a call at 510-649-9233. - Doug

Hi Gareth,

We played on July 14 at Bushrod, but I can't find your phone number or email. Would you like to play again? Call me at 510-649-9233. - Doug


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